Post by Peter on Jan 19, 2016 6:06:40 GMT -5
We are talking about inner fight, desire arises to eat, another desire arises to not to get fat, desire arises to smoke, desire arises to quit, but the secret is, these both are arising from same consciousness, Since that consciousness doesn't know this secret, it fight with itself, Once it's knows, it simply chooses single choice without fight. Is that where you're at Gopal? Making choices without a fight? My own experience is that the desires arise in the sub-conscious and arrive fully formed (sometimes even verbally constructed) in the conscious mind, but perhaps you're not making a distinction between the two.
Post by Peter on Jan 19, 2016 5:49:48 GMT -5
Struggle isn't good, but indulging any impulse that comes from god knows where isn't good either.Do you deny yourself everything, or deny yourself nothing Gopal? Or if it's somewhere in between, what decides? For me, will power is a finite resource but it is a real thing. You meant to say opposing the impulse which arises from inner is not Good? Well it would entirely depend on the impulse don't you think Gopal? If the impulse is to lash out, or indulge to excess then opposing it is good. If the impulse is to act charitably then opposing it would be bad. Urgh such judgemental terms...lets say "not in the best interests of the long term happiness of all beings" with the possible exception of imps, demons and Sith Lords. My point is that regardless of whether or not a "choice" can be said to be made, energy is used when impulses are opposed. Edit: I can see what you pulled me up on here. When I wrote "indulging" I was implying that the impulse under consideration was an unhealthy one. I don't have a problem with healthy impulses. That's flow, that's accord.
Post by Peter on Jan 19, 2016 5:38:02 GMT -5
Perfection can't include struggle, struggle itself informs us that we are out of flow. Struggle isn't good, but indulging any impulse that comes from god knows where isn't good either. Do you deny yourself everything, or deny yourself nothing Gopal? Or if it's somewhere in between, what decides? For me, will power is a finite resource but it is a real thing.
Post by Peter on Jan 19, 2016 4:45:30 GMT -5
What if...what if it's already perfect? Including everything - competing desires, unhealthy habits...the whole dealio. Thanks for that Quinn. Your post stayed with me because it's been on my mind for a long time - the question of what we accept and what we fight against. The danger of saying "It's all perfect" is to allow that to lead to "...so I'm going to eat this 3rd slice of cake" but if you see the struggle itself as part of that perfection and allow it to exist... Well I don't think I'm "there" with that, but it's a step on from the "kill all the demons" / "give in to the demons" dichotomy.
Post by Peter on Jan 19, 2016 4:36:29 GMT -5
17 hours ago sunshine said: yep feels great actually, do you tell your girlfriend she doesnt exist while you f*ck her ? This is not the forum to talk about rubbish, better straighten your language or simply stay away! It seems sasquatch has tested the forum boundaries and found them to be pretty flexible at the moment. Well Sasquatch appears to have imploded thus removing himself from my sphere of influence <ironic HA> but Sunshine can take an enforced break for that one. Ban will expire 2 Feb. Edit: Oh Great, you oughta know I'll have Alanis Morissette in my head all day now.
Post by Peter on Dec 31, 2015 7:37:40 GMT -5
I would also request you to refrain from using an ambiguous, value laiden language. This kind of language is the reason why people go to war with one another on this Forum, and moderator should posses a good understanding of how this affects interactions here, NOT set an example of it. Did you think I was using ambiguous language? Personally I thought I was being quite clear, but of course people take all sorts of things all sorts of ways. I'm not sure it can be avoided except by writing very short forceful sentences and that's not really my style. I'll consider my ambiguity further, however. I wasn't sure what you mean by "value laiden" language. Does that mean judgemental? P PS When I said "draw" I wasn't thinking of war, more like...spat. I don't often hear wars described as ending in a "draw" with the possible exception of Vietnam.
Post by Peter on Dec 30, 2015 8:52:45 GMT -5
Laughter pulled me in to this thread. I've skim read the gist of it, so apologies if my understanding isn't totally on the mark. As far as the Laughter's complaint about Jay's not-very-veiled insulting post goes, I thought that Tano gave as good as she got in reply, so I'll judge that one a draw. How he managed to go from this... "And another point... there is nothing wrong with the world we live in. It is beautiful and full of contrasts. There is no knowing peace without knowing war."... to that... "When someone tells me they see nothing wrong with war, murder, rape, pedophilia, and other such horrid behavior humans inflict on each other, and state all that is beautiful, i consider a few options..."
... is beyond me. Well it's a straw man argument. I thought your point Tano was well made - we need to have seen the darkness in order to appreciate the light. Contrast as you say; I agree. You did not say there's nothing wrong with it, and you didn't say war was beautiful. Jay distorted and polarised what you said so that he'd have something to disagree with. I don't know if he's aware of doing that or not. I suspect not, and it's a common internet game to then say "AH HA! You feel into my trap". For me, this subject gets to the heart of the spiritual life: Is the world perfect as it is, or do we work to try and change it to how we think it "should be" ? Both Jay and SDP get points in my book for reflecting back to Tano that she flip-flopped from one to the other, which I don't think she's seen yet. My view is that Jay - and this is reminding me of our one time contributor Q -is trolling and then making the suggestion that he's performing a service to his victim in reflecting their hypocrisy, ego and myopia back to them. Which he is, true yes, but the method is flawed. When the egos have become engaged during trolling, it's next to impossible to step back from that and see the truth of the matter. I think. So Jay, two things come to mind: - Needing recognition from others, be it spiritual or intellectual, is probably going to cause you to engage in mind games that other people don't enjoy playing.
- Pricking the balloon of another's claims to spiritual attainment is going to cause arguments. It can be done - with great care - but if someone isn't ready to see it, they won't see it. The wise man would walk away at that point, I think.
Our Guidelines for forum behaviour are clear so, Jay, you can either stop the trolling or leave the board. Peter PS Tano, at 857 posts and a Senior Member you cannot be considered a "Poor wee Newbie" (I paraphrase), so that plea doesn't wash. I think you're quite able to look after yourself as far as trolling and insulting are concerned - as your attempts to have a member banned by sending PMs to Moderators show. You're a main player too.
Post by Peter on Oct 10, 2015 4:18:27 GMT -5
Dew drops on the grass A hundred million rainbows What greater riches?
Post by Peter on Aug 6, 2015 7:26:19 GMT -5
Okay, Peter, that was quite a piece of art... 5 giraffes, a strawman and flawful logic - all in one single post! What's going on? That's no different from what our crusaders are doing. It looks like I've hit a very sore spot there and that you don't really have a point. You are just busy deflecting. And that coming from the top mod. What example are you setting? You argue well Reefs, very articulate. Solid logic. You obviously put a lot of thought into that. I've said what my limited involvement as Moderator would be - cleaning up the spam mostly - but I got pulled in Wren sending a PM (which is received as an email) to Shawn and myself entitled "Official Complaint" so that pinged on my radar. Yes I agree there's probably some gender bias there - I see you lads as being able to take care of yourselves as far as verbal abuse is concerned. I did post about having revised that opinion somewhat. I didn't tell you that your complaint was archived because I didn't deal with it and I didn't archive it. Farmer might choose to explain why he didn't follow up with you on that one. Yes, indeedy more deflection. Well, ZD has said he's willing to intervene if there's no improvement so hopefully we'll see some one way or another. P PS The example I'm setting is: not perpetuating an ego fuelled food fight. Did you see me walk away from my discussion with Gopal? Did it again there.
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 13:15:46 GMT -5
And there he does it again. Well I have said in the past that attempting to 'Teach' someone when they've not asked you to is a hazardous undertaking at best and that perception is being played out here. OK Gopal, you're not able to go there right now and I can't make you. I am not sure whether I am getting you what you are saying. I am not even talking to wren, He intrudes my post and writing something, I am not attempting to teach her. I hope you might have read those post there. No Gopal, it is my own - uninvited - attempt at teaching here that I'm abandoning. I am there myself - I believe that it's quite impossible to "see" what the mind protects itself from seeing and having someone force a mirror in front of you just raises the barricades higher. There are things in my life that I literally struggle to think about - my brain slips off the subject when what's being thought about doesn't fit with this 'idea' of who I think I am. I thought that maybe having some distance from the original issue might allow you some self reflection when your ego isn't feeling quite so defensive, but no. P
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 12:48:42 GMT -5
I think that honestly answering the question of why you chose to justify your behaviour rather than question it (which incidentally I would suggest is the same reason that you've done it yet again here), might open up a door for you. I explained to you already that she was doing those kind of thing many times, I was explaining about how Law of attraction works with the perfect example of going to Andaman Nicobar Island, but she was asking me 'Haven't you booked the ticket yet', You can easily see the sarcastic way of her behavior. And there he does it again. Well I have said in the past that attempting to 'Teach' someone when they've not asked you to is a hazardous undertaking at best and that perception is being played out here. OK Gopal, you're not able to go there right now and I can't make you.
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 12:13:12 GMT -5
Why? Why not say "Gosh you're right there Peter, a person claiming to be on the Spiritual Path should really not being going around suggesting the someone's behaviour is deserving of a good whupping. I really regret my lack of self control and reactive speech there." ? We were talking about personal volition at the time. My opinion is that 90% of brain activity is taken up by people's self-justification of behaviour that they have next to no control over. It's subconscious, the justification "just happens". Ok Peter! But this last paragraph you have written about Reefs shows me that how careful you are! Thanks! You're too quick Gopal! I had another 3 edits to go when you replied. But it was pretty much more of the same, you got the gist of it. You really avoid answering my questions don't you. Ok so it's my ego here giving a high opinion of the value of my opinion, but I think that honestly answering the question of why you chose to justify your behaviour rather than question it (which incidentally I would suggest is the same reason that you've done it yet again here), might open up a door for you.
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 12:04:10 GMT -5
Ha ha, you didn't think it was so beautiful when it was directed at you Gopal! It's the same writing coming from the same place with the same intention. Now it just suits your personal view better. How fickle. No, when you were telling me, I was very careful to your words, I can see the correct intention behind your thoughts, But I tried to justify why I said that. Why? Why not say "Gosh you're right there Peter, a person claiming to be on the Spiritual Path should really not being going around suggesting the someone's behaviour is deserving of a good whupping. I really regret my lack of self control and reactive speech there." ? We were talking about personal volition at the time. My opinion is that 90% of brain activity is taken up by people's self-justification of behaviour that they have next to no control over. It's subconscious, the justification "just happens". The sub-conscious mind quite literally doesn't allow the conscious mind to see what it's not willing to admit to itself. That's my take on what in the blazes is going on, anyhoo.
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 11:54:31 GMT -5
I'm not willing to ban people - as I think you want me to - on the grounds of "not being a serious non-dualist". I might consider being stricter with the "provoking other members" thing, but for that to be enforceable , your yourself would have to refrain from provoking the people you're reporting for provoking, and I haven't seen any evidence that you're capable of doing that....not for any significant length of time anyway.Beautifully said, Beautifully written! Ha ha, you didn't think it was so beautiful when it was directed at you Gopal! It's the same writing coming from the same place with the same intention. Now it just suits your personal view better. How fickle.
Post by Peter on Aug 5, 2015 11:08:05 GMT -5
There's a flaw in your reasoning about silvers comment that can be revealed by imagining the situation if I had made a similar one to her. Yes. When I started thinking about this earlier this morning I was in the position of not taking threats of violence by women against men as seriously as those by men against women. I can't imagine my wife being able to even raise a bruise on me if she had a go. I was going to use a "find me a battered husbands shelter" argument ... but then I looked them up and of course it's far less common but it does happen, and such shelters do exist. So that's why - and it pains me that we're having to have this discussion at all - I now feel that I don't need specific rules about who may and may not make implications of violence against another human being (or animal or sentient life-form). Standing forum guidelines have it covered. I'm reminded of an article in The Onion: www.theonion.com/article/god-angrily-clarifies-dont-kill-rule-222