Yap yap yap yap.
Look ladies. I've achieved this pristine knowledge thing you all rub your nuts over.
It's simply my life now. You jelly?
You'll never see it. I'm 100% sure that not one of you here will ever see it.
See what you are all missing is the point that ego stops being ego when you are liberated.
It doesn't go away, but it can reconnect with the source, and no, the source isn't "god" from where I stand there is no god to be seen anywhere. There is absolutely nothing.
I'm being authentic here, my "ego" is being used to give voice to my authentic desire to laugh at you people.
You're stuck in some cartesian dreamworld where dissolving the ego is expected to merge the inner and the outer....
You have no idea how remedial that is.
How wrong that is.
How very very far you have been lead astray.
Ego is not the problem because ego was never ego... How could it be.... That should SHOULD be obvious to you.
You don't transcend the ego.
This is Hotel California, you can check out anytime you like and you can NEVER leave.
You haven't checked out.
You are gazing out the window of this hotel telling yourself you've left....
The egoless ego, the cageless cage.
For some of you the desire to break out of your cage is your cage, for others the thought that you have already broken out is your cage, for those left, the idea that you can't break out is your cage.
All of you are caged though.
And that's the bottom line.
Not me.
When I speak, you are seeing authentic human drive expressed via ego, in the service of true human desire.
When you speak I see ego as expressed via ego, in the service of ego.
The'se words don't demonstrate "ego" these words are ego personified, the view I'm offering the emotional reaction I'm eliciting is ego in it's only useful state, in service to human agency.
You people can not speak with this level of authenticity because you people think that you people are people.
I am sitting with true human desires right now and they send their regards. You will never know their likes. Ever.
You can't by definition because not only are you the problem, but you are afraid of the solution.
Listen to what I'm about to say.
You don't gain freedom through liberation.
Still reading? Still? Does this not boil your hippy blood?
You DON'T gain freedom through liberation.
You gain it through 2 things. Destruction and slavery.
Are you following me here?
Ego is the liberated state, imagination running free.
Where I stand authentic desire, true human force runs amok and ego is it's slave,
as it always has been. You just wasted most of your life denying the truth. You aren't a slave to ego, ego the false self is slave to the actual true reality of the human experience
Destruction and slavery.
That's what you need to do.
That's what you won't do. I know you won't do it because I'm not selling this. I'm using harsh terms, I'm making it sound bad and why? Why would I do that ?
Because I have no desire to see you free.
Because you have not earned it.
You do not deserve to be free.
The only man who deserves to be free is the man who choses to be free.
You don't need my help to make that choice.
Now there is a thing in my intellect rolling on the floor laughing, and something something compelling me to smile. It's not me though, I'm a slave! Albeit ... a well paid slave, one who's expressions are honest.
You will never know such honesty.
Your egos, express falsehoods, your egos are in the service of themselves, my ego is in the service of true human agencies. Your egos are dishonest mine is honest.
I express, therefore I am not.
I can integrate at a moments notice into any moment, any scenario I can literally melt into my own life at will.
I can remove myself from every scenario, better I can remove your self from every scenario, and melt into it fully and proceed.
Not one of you... not one.. can do that.
You'll never do that.
You'll give me reasons why you're right and I'm wrong. You'll try to "win" here.
Not one of you has the balls to express yourself honestly because egos (and you are all egos) have nothing, are nothing, don't really exist.
But balls, big hairy manly courageous balls speak through me and laugh at the circle jerking that is going on here.
Merry Christmas you barrel of bastards