I like Eckhart's teachings but I wonder about the marketing arm of his orginization. Does the marketing/profiteering aspect negate his teaching? Wondering how others see this.
Don't move into his ashram, don't let him sleep with your wife or kids. If YOU sleep with him sleep with one eye open. Don't buy him a Bentley. If you can NOT do all those things and still get along with him and his teachings, have at it. What's to worry?
Even the Bentley drivin', drug addled wh*remongers have some useful things to say! Maybe.
In the grown up "spiritual" world nobody gets taken advantage of without their full cooperation, despite their protests to the contrary.
I understand the question and some of the conditioning behind it. I share those ideas. The vow of poverty and all that. Simplicity. In my world, with 500 kinds of breakfast cereal, simplicity is just a dream. And poverty is something only the rich find attractive.
Tolle may be driving a Bentley. ( I don't know if Bentley is high end, don't know if they even exist.) Point is: Tolle may be enjoying a very posh lifestyle. I don't care to research it. I would be surprised if he was. Why?
Because he strikes me as real, and real to me is beyond wanton piggishness.
What is posh?
Ask a man in a cardboard box.
Ask a man with 5 useless mansions.
(Sorry! Might have shown my feelings on the matter!)
If Tolle is living in what I consider a piggish manner then I will lose respect. But I won't throw away all his words. 'Cause some resonated/ struck me as true. Worth pursuing.
That particular me that decides these things I don't understand.
Tolle is just another piece of dirt.
If he can say ONE thing that throws me over my wall I'll love him forever. It's not his fault if he doesn't. It's my wall.
In practical terms,
if an industry has grown up around Tolle, and he personally is not being a pig, (guess I WILL research that) doesn't that show something? If many people are making a living/ gaining sustenance from the Tolle phenomenon isn't that benevolence? There are many places for greed to arise in an industry. If the greed isn't emanating from the teacher isn't that significant?
And I don't want to say there is greed anywhere in that system.
I wouldn't know. American free market, capitalist economy.
That's how you play the game.
People gotta eat!
Bless those who help feed others rather than feed themselves more.
I'm going to google whether Tolle is a pig.
By my standards. Which seem to mirror yours. Kind of.
I don't know how it all works.
I hear that those who are realized can never lose it.
I hear that everything can be corrupted.
Tried to find a story about "crack pot baba"
Who's only possession was a piece of cracked pottery that he used to drink water. Wasn't really a possession ,cause he threw it away when he was done with it. (Richard alpert story)
In ancient India this would be an admirable story.
(pretending I know something about ancient India)
In my world...
homeless, worthless bum.
You're asking if Tolle isn't a homeless unheard of bum,
should you accept his teachings?
How would you know his teachings?
Personal note: I'll have to read this tomorrow but I think,
by some circuitous route; much to my surprise;
I might actually have made the point I wanted to make.
Gonna have to go with it.