swami rajneesh also known as osho rajneesh
by his lovers and enemies
is an enlightened disciple of osho
guiding seekers on the path of truth
swami rajneesh had his samadhi experiences
when osho was still in body
in 1990 when osho left his body
swami rajneesh went into isolation in himalayas
next 17 years swami rajneesh spent in himalayas in total isolation
to deepen as well as stabilize this experience
in 2007 swami rajneesh came back
and started meeting seekers and guiding them on the path of truth.
in last three years swami rajneesh had taken 80 meditation camps through out the world
some video clips of his talks can be seen at youtube
www.youtube.com/user/swamiamitabhswami rajneesh has revealed his inner journey
in the mystical controversial and banned book "tears of the mystic rose"
the book has been transalated in 14 languages
and it has insipred and guided more than 1 million people
book shares many insights on samadhi, meditation and secrets about osho sannyas movement and why osho suddenly left the body.
book can be freely downloaded from swami rajneesh official website
www.oshorajneesh.netswami rajneesh ashram in goa india is a free space offering all meditation, groups, therapies freely for all lovers and seekers of truth
ashram site is
www.oshococom.comi hope this information will guide the seekers of truth